
søndag den 21. november 2010

Dear Santa...

... - all I want for christmas is SUMMER! 
Please please please send me some more summer, I am not ready for the loooong cold winter, not just yet... I think every season has its charme but still... I miss the warm and long summer evening. Today I felt inspired by the lovely colour: Pink pink pink! 

In summer, the song sings itself...

onsdag den 17. november 2010

A closer look

Today my word is: closer
I fell like I forget to give myself the time just to stop up and relax, just for a bit. I think I should get better at taking a closer look... weather I should take a closer look at the things around me, my friends, family or myself? - I dont really care, I just fell in the mood for taking a closer look at anything today and give myself a break from the everyday very stressed life I know i have especially this week... Today I take a closer look at everything! I hope i will get smarter or else more relaxed :) and

mandag den 15. november 2010

Why not help?

Just a little "candlelight" fun in photoshop :)

Todays word: enjoyable!

Today we went for a walk in Slotsparken in Hillerød, it was really nice, cold but nice ... Then we went to a cafe for a hot chocolat and ended with a pizza. Today's inspiration was nature, silence and the beautiful weather ... Today was enjoyable ...

søndag den 14. november 2010

Redesign når det er bedst

Jeg har ingen ide, som altid om hvordan jeg lige stødte på disse billeder, der er dog noget ved deres redesign jeg synes er total fedt. Elsker den stop op effekt den giver, når man helt uventet kan støde på sådanne ting i selv de simpleste hjem... synes det er en super tolkning der gør op med det traditionelle akvarium og det giver sgu mig lyst til at få fisk, på trods af den store rengøring der kræver, for ikke at tale om at der er to katte der nok ville være glad for en gang rå fisk!

What is your word?

I went to watch the movie EAT PRAY LOVE yesterday, and it was so much better than expected!!! Today i fell so filled with new energy and love for the world, and I really want to travel everywhere all the time. The movie was so inspiring and it really made me think and wonder about where to go next time, and how to save all my money for something as good as an experience, a travel or something that will teach me about the world and all the different cultures and people in it!!!

I never read book, in fact I never have the urge to open anything readable, but this time when I leave for Minnesota, I will buy the book EAT PRAY LOVE - and most important - I WILL READ IT..!!! 

I can wait to read the first page, and as they often say: "the book is always better than the movie" I CANT WAIT!

I simply fell happy today and so inspired to appreciate every moment ind life and enjoy everything that is different, and to see every person as a mentor or teacher, instead of thinking about what I would like to tell next... perhaps there is a reason why God gave us 2 ears and only 1 mouth..?
So maybe I should practice silence and find my word, who the hell am I really?? ;)